

Line and copy-editing take place when you’ve crafted and re-crafted your novel or story and are satisfied there are no further major changes to be made. This is the stage where we look at the nuts and bolts of the prose, such as grammar, word choice and punctuation, and much more.


We suggest where different words can be used to better effect, where a phrase, sentence, or paragraph is clumsy, out of place, ambiguous, anachronistic or repetitive, and where smaller questions of plot, fact, sequence, timeline or logic need to be addressed. It ensures consistency in how elements such as times, numbers and dates are formatted or styled, and in spelling, punctuation and grammar choices, such as whilst v while; the use of the Oxford comma and the use of the subjunctive. A copy-edit flags up and suggests changes where tense or viewpoint is used inconsistently.

Many Fiction Feedback customers come to us for this service either prior to independent publishing or to give their manuscript the best possible chance on submission to an agent or publisher or in a competition.


Poor grammar, spelling and punctuation as well as blips in plot and logic are a major turn-off for agents and publishers, and of course readers too. Many inexperienced aspiring authors think that if their story is strong enough, these things won’t matter. Sadly, to gain representation or a contract has become extremely difficult, and most agents spend barely minutes reading a manuscript before rejecting it. The one element they can properly appreciate in that time is the quality of the prose. That’s why it’s best to impress with professionally copy-edited work. It’s the same if writers are publishing independently. Readers are used to books that have been professionally copy-edited, and if they’re reading a book that’s not been through that process, they tend to find it very irritating. You don’t want that.


Your copy-edited manuscript will be returned as two Microsoft Word docx files, one with all amendments shown so you can see the changes, and one with them accepted so it’s easy to read and use as a working document ongoing. In both files the editor’s comments are visible. This gives you the chance to go through the clean manuscript and consider the editing comments. It also means you can see what changes have been made, enabling you to apply what you learn to future writing.

For full-length work, we also provide detailed style sheets tailored to the MS showing what editorial decisions have been taken, for example on number formatting and on aspects of spelling, punctuation and grammar where there are choices to be made. These style sheets are an absolute godsend for your own editing and later writing – and of course if the work gets passed on to other editors or proof-readers.


Our copy-editing charge is usually between £14 and £17 per 1,000 words. We will provide a definite quote on sight of the work. To send in a sample of your work for a copy-editing quote, please email


All customers who have used any Fiction Feedback service within the previous six months receive a 5% discount on our editing services.


Please note; we reserve the right to say no to copy-editing work where, in our view, the manuscript is not ready.

We’ve had excellent feedback on our editing service. A number of our writers have gone on to secure traditional publishing contracts after we edited their manuscripts, and others have successfully published independently.


Free sample
If you’d like to try out our copy-editing service, we’ll edit a minimum of 500 words free and without obligation. Email your first chapter here.


Minimum charge
Our minimum charge for copy-editing is £50, so if, for example, you should want copy-editing for 1,000 words the cost would be £50.


What we copy-edit
Fiction of all lengths including short stories; biographies and memoirs; travelogues and other narrative non-fiction and also (subject to sight) articles, non-technical reports and proposals.


Submission package special
We will highlight any major weaknesses in your submission package up to 10,000 words, copy-edit it, make comments on your synopsis and covering letter and copy-edit them too. We’ll even help you write an elevator pitch.
Cost: £295. Email for details, or see News & Views.

Submit your work

Send us 5,000 words and what kind of editing you’re ready for – developmental or copy-editing – and we’ll provide a quote.

Editing is where we examine your MS in depth.


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A very detailed assessment of the novel, usually consisting of both a long report and comments to the manuscript (MS) itself.


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Save on the cost of a full developmental edit while providing more than a simple critique.


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Get in touch to find out more about our full range of services, critiques or to submit your work.


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