

Critiques are like a structural editing report in summary: they highlight the main strengths and weaknesses and suggest ways to make improvements.


If you’ve never had professional input on your writing before, we recommend you start with a critique.


For more experienced writers, they’re also useful for getting an overview on a novel’s strengths before committing to spending more time on it.

It’s less experienced writers who get the most out of critiques as they give a fair assessment of how far along the path the writing is to being publishable, outlining areas where they most need to focus and providing suggestions for how to improve.


We offer up to three independent critiques and they’re charged on a sliding scale, so ordering two critiques doesn’t cost twice as much as one. But they do provide more than twice the value!


Published authors also find critiques useful especially if they’re starting work in a new genre or in a completely different style.

Many writers choose to have two critiques or more at the same time – each Fiction Feedback critique is independently written by one of our reviewers. This is our standard service and the value for money it confers is outstanding. Getting two or three professional opinions of your work is invaluable – both in where they overlap and where they diverge.


Or, you can choose to pay for several critiques and use these sequentially; the second for your revised draft after the first critique, all from the same reviewer.


Sample critiques are available on request.

Find out more about our Critique Plus, a halfway house between a critique and a full developmental edit.

Fiction Feedback offers services in two general areas; critiques and editing. We match our team of expert editors to your manuscript.


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Our costs for critiques of novels and short stories are kept as low as possible so that many writers can access our objective and helpful service.


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Email us with your work for critique, telling us how many critiques you would like and your word count.


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If you’d like to see a sample of our critiques, please get in touch. We’ll be happy to forward you one or two.


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